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Vaxtor is the world leader in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) Technology. The company specialises in developing advanced OCR and LPR solutions.

Vaxtor products are in continuous evolution providing solutions for Parking, Law Enforcement, Traffic and Tolling, Security, Access Control, Logistics, Smart Cities and special applications for embedded systems.


Vaxtor's LPR software typically utilizes cameras and image processing algorithms to capture images of license plates, extract the characters from the plate and convert them into text for further processing and analysis.


Automatic License Plate Recognition

Vaxtor’s advanced ALPR product line, real-time advanced OCR engine is available embedded on your camera, PC/Server or Android.

VaxALPR On Camera is the full Vaxtor OCR engine which has been ported to run on the latest Axis and Mobotix camera processors. This ensures high accuracy and high speed edge based technology.

VaxALPR On PC enables Vaxtor’s high accuracy OCR engine on a PC. Additional software elements will read ADR Plates (Hazardous substances), ISO containers and many more.

Additional analytic capabilities, including Make, Model & Colour (MMC) recognition, vehicle classification, ADR plate recognition, Red Light Enforcement and Instantaneous Speed detection. VaxALPR On Mobile provides Vaxtor capability on an Android SDK.


Optical Character Recognition Capability

VaxOCR Genesis is a high-performance generic OCR reader developed by Vaxtor Technologies to read any combination of uppercase Latin characters and/or numbers arranged in up to three lines.

VaxOCR Containers provides automatic detection and logging of containers on entry, between zones, during processes and on exit from Air and Sea ports automating and streamlining processes, ensuring Health & Safety, insurance and logistical chain management.

The USDOT number serves as a unique identifier when collecting and monitoring a company’s safety information acquired during audits, compliance reviews, crash investigations and inspections.

Vaxtor’s VaxOCR Aircraft recognition software recognises ICAO- and FAA-issued identification numbers stencilled on the exterior of every aircraft.